Term was supposed to start this week -and it did, for most people. But I've had a chest infection for about 10 days and I couldn't face hauling my sore-throated, coughing self into Uni. To be honest, the possible consequences of having a coughing fit on the M27, in the rush hour, in the dark, terrified me. So I stayed in bed. I did get my essay mark, via the wonders of the internet, and all was well. A reasonable grade, and there was only one criticism which I completely agreed with, so no complaints.
Has lots of creative stuff been done in the extra time? No. All I've had the energy for is a bit of routine, un-artistic knitting.

These trees/hands/sea anemones/gloves for very small people with very long hands have languished in their basket, waiting in vain for new friends to join them. I'm hoping to get back to them tonight. Not sure where they are leading - they were originally going to become a sort of clipped bay tree of hands, but they decided they didn't want to do that. Now I'm thinking of a sort of carpet (well, small mat) of hands.
I think hands - or gloves - or things that vaguely resemble hands or gloves - are taking over from trees. Hands are symbolic of so many things, plus I've become besotted with phrases about hands - like “hand in glove” - and I'm pondering how I can develop that.
So apart from coughing, and some extra grandparenting, not much has happened around Cheese Acres. Must do better.