'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."
Dorothy Rowe
Saturday, 31 October 2015
Sunday, 25 October 2015
Works in Progress
This one is actually not a WIP, it's finished. It is a fractal Christmas decoration, follow the link for the pattern. As I'm still learning how to defeat use my new printer, I didn't manage to print out the pattern as bright as the original. And I think if I did it again, I might use t-shirt transfer paper rather than printable fabric, which was a bit thin.
Of course, in my case, it's an Advent decoration - the 23rd I've made. It's actually the one that's due in November, so I'm ahead of myself. Don't be impressed, it was procrastination. I was giving myself a break from this.
The latest mega glove, with the last of my wool from Texere. (Sniff, sniff.) The pattern (yes, there is one) is a cellular automaton, which is superficially random, but has an underlying logic.
The glove weighs about 600 gm a at the moment. and it's getting lumpy to turn round, so I need to take breaks, don't I?
Mega glove no.1 (all 3 metres/2kilos of it) is finished, but drying. Well, probably finished. It has (deliberately) dropped stitches in it, and after having a discussion with Wensleydale about the veins on the backs of our hands (as you do) I'm wondering about weaving or back stitching into some of them for veiny marks.
Another break was spent making these, as per the suggestion of the visiting tutor from Uni, Christine Mills. Now I have to make them their own white cube gallery space to see what they may look like in the Degree Show. Just imagine them 3 metres high, not 15 cm...
Scary words, Cheshire, only 5 months away, get knitting!
Saturday, 17 October 2015
I'm very confused...
Sunday, 4 October 2015
Where have I been and what have I been doing?