Here is the mill - as you can see it was a lovely day. You can just see one of the streams which run on either side and are full of ducks and the occasional trout.
There has been a watermill on the site since the 11th century, and there is till a water wheel in the wooden part of the building to the left. It is a working silk mill, although the machines are no longer driven by water power. You may never have heard of the
mill but you have probably seen their fabrics in costume dramas on the telly, or reproduction fabrics in National Trust properties. Here are some samples, albeit a little faded, making an informal blind!
This time the added attraction was a small [8 items!] exhibition of 19th and 20th century ecclesiastical vestments from Salisbury Cathedral. Fascinating to see the contrast between the early examples and the most recent ones, including a blue cope by Jane Lemon and a chasuble by the Sarum group. Wensleydale asked me what the difference is between a cope and a chasuble, and I had to admit I didn't know. The exhibition is on until the end of August if you are interested.
When not wandering, I have completed Babybel's teddy book, and worked on my knot garden -
which is currently looking a little odd. For non-embroiderers - those loops and ends are plush stitch which will be cut and trimmed back to make a carpet-like texture.
I have also resumed working on another triptych I started before we went away - so perhaps my uncreative spell is coming to an end. I had had my usual bout of feeling that it wasn't working and that, I think, was the cause. However looking at it again last night I decided it wasn't so bad - although today I have reservations again. Pictures later if I decide it is OK!