So what do I do when I am procrastinating? I make books. I think I have mentioned Esther K Smith’s ‘How to Make Books’ before. In it she shows how to make a book out of a cake mix box. Seriously. [I have also seen books in blogs made from Ritz cracker boxes.]
Biscuits and cakes rarely enter the doors of Cheese Acres – but w
The red one came home with Cheese Major from one of his trips to China – it is, I think, the wrapper of a cigarette packet. The brown one was a present from Mr and Mrs Cheese Minor when they returned from living in Singapore. It contained ‘Pocky’ - lovely [Japanese?] chocolaty things for dunking in your coffee.
The boxes are not ve
But - when I got up this morning I was motivated to get started on the 3D piece – hurrah! Not that i seem to have got very far ...
First I found my Angelina and made a few patches see if I liked the effect.
Next I auditioned all the threads I had that might do – these are the candidates:
and this is the long list – sampling will decide on the final choices.
Then I collected all the stuff I needed to start to turn the pile of fabrics into leaves and leaf litter. Having ‘reorganised’ my workroom recently I couldn’t remember where half of it was …
Here it is all collected together.
The synthetic fabrics were heatgunned / cut up with my soldering iron. The silk was cut up and candled to seal the edges.
I tried what I’d done on the background. This is why I wanted to hang on to A’s frame. The green is OK but that orange is far too bright!
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