'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Saturday 10 May 2008

Little progress on the 3D piece

apart from removing the wax. Unfortunately most of the crackling came with it. i am thinking of adding fabric paint or dimensional paint to the trunks to replace it.

Instead of the 3d piece I have been working on a stitch sample we started in class on Thursday. The brief was to explore a simple stitch to see what variations we could come up with.

I used a piece of my marbled fabric and chose running stitch - not very imaginative faced with fabric with a lot of lines on it but I wasn't feeling very imaginative.

Some time ago i took Sharon Boggon's Joggles class on 'A Personal Library of Stitches' - which was all about how you could develop stitches - but could I remember any of it on Thursday night? Of course not. So my attempts in class were just running stitch in different threads along the lines on the fabric. However when I got home I was able to refresh my memory, and as it was a lovely day yesterday i sat in the garden and played. I had a very peaceful time and I am quite please with the result.

Today I shall put my marbling samples in my portfolio and then I will have no more excuses for procrastination!

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