This is the finished book of the piece. Sheila commented that she made her book as she went along. I do the written part like that [on the computer as my handwriting is illegible even to me].
When we get the design brief I start a Word document with an action plan and a weekly diary. I keep all the design work and samples, although sometimes I have to hunt a bit to find them later.
This is the section of the diary where I wrote about my design inspiration. The pages were decorated with webbing spray to make them a bit more interesting.
That baby gets in everywhere, doesn't she? She was my excu - er - the reason why my action plan slipped in November!
At the end I write an evaluation – and then make up a book to put it all in. The books seem to have got gradually more elaborate over the years, although the wall hanging one I posted about before is relatively simple. A lot depends on how much time I have, but the current one only took a couple of afternoons. I do it because I like making books! I took another C&G course last year called 'Creative Sketchbooks' which just reinforced my bad habits...
I used a Japanese binding called hemp leaf, which seemed appropriate. [I do know hemp leaves are a different shape.] The raffia used in the binding was left over from the hanging.
I put some left-over leaves on the cover, and strung my sample beads on an elastic loop to keep it closed, as it is rather floppy. I wasn't sure how else to include the bead samples

I had to include some large design pieces, which is one reason I made the book so long. I still had to fold some, like this Zandra Rhodes inspired sketch, and the full scale mock up. The spots at lower left are holes made with a leaf shaped punch. When it is folded up the green shows through against the white back of the paper.
I used a Japanese binding called hemp leaf, which seemed appropriate. [I do know hemp leaves are a different shape.] The raffia used in the binding was left over from the hanging.
I put some left-over leaves on the cover, and strung my sample beads on an elastic loop to keep it closed, as it is rather floppy. I wasn't sure how else to include the bead samples
I had to include some large design pieces, which is one reason I made the book so long. I still had to fold some, like this Zandra Rhodes inspired sketch, and the full scale mock up. The spots at lower left are holes made with a leaf shaped punch. When it is folded up the green shows through against the white back of the paper.
This is an envelope I made from another piece of design work, for the sample string of leaves.
The book and the hanging will go to college next Thursday and with any luck it will be signed off.
I forgot to say that the foreign embroidery study was also signed off this week with some very positive comments about the covers.
I do like this idea of documenting your work. I have a book that is meant to have all my ideas, designs, plans and working drawings for the books I make but I often forget to do all that so my good intentions fall by the wayside. But for those that get in, it's a wonderful record to be able to refer to.
Thanks for sharing this Celia. It is really interesting to see how others do it. I'll blog about my book later today (or maybe tomorrow), but I do like the diary idea. I keep meaning to keep a note of the amount of time I am spending on things, but I always forget.
Thank you for tagging me - I haven't forgotten, just had a fairly hectic few days and no time for blogging!!
you do great work! Your granddaughter is beautiful! Wouldn't you like porclein dolls of them at all stages because they are so wonderful.
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