'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Wednesday 18 February 2009

Two simple little stamps ...

inspired by some simple tiles. They were quickly carved from two long erasers

And I like the result.
I didn't think the half drop pattern on the right would work as well as it did.

Obviously these could be patchwork, or canvas work, but I think they might also work as a satin stitch border on an even weave fabric - they remind me of the sort of white on white embroidery found in some European embroidery.
A short post today because the quilt for 'Around the World in 20 quilts' has been coming along well and has kept me busy. Here's a snippet.

Good job I didn't tackle this as my first step towards getting back into free motion quilting - the machine did not like quilting it. It had done set stitches on the background with no trouble at all but free motion? Not likely. I think it was probably the nylon thread it didn't like - not surprising, I don't like it much either.
I think it looks worse because the fabric-paper background is unforgiving and the holes show in the close up. I am telling myself that it looks better from a distance ...

1 comment:

Nellie's Needles said...

Thanks for the comment on my "Today's Title" piece.

As for your problem with the nylon thread. I use Superior Thread's polyester when I don't want the the quilting thread to be a design element in a quilt. From my experience it's necessary to loosen the top tension quite a bit. I set my Pfaff's on "0".