'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Friday 28 August 2009

I’m moving on …

to the programs which offer effects, photo editing [e.g cropping, red-eye removal etc.],  and/or paint programs – although I’m not getting into paint programs, that’s far too scary. This group vary in complexity from relatively simple to ones which  I find almost as difficult as PSP.

Most, if not all offer ways of changing the colour of the image and ways of distorting it. Some programs don’t do much more than that, so I’m only going to look at those which offer a bit [or a lot] more. Many offer you the option to add text,frames or speech bubbles, but if that’s what you want to do you’re on your own!colorize

One of the more basic programs is Phixr. I find it relatively easy to use, and it offers the usual range – I had fun ‘colorizing’ the passion flower.



IMG_7950cropcolour-12_phixr You can also add one [or possibly more – I haven’t tried] preset images – like raindrops.





dot art

The ‘Dot’  effect is quite effective too - although it is less effective on some images …






than others.

Sorry for the shock intrusion of a dahlia - ‘Bishop of LLandaff ‘ - photographed at Kingston Lacy yesterday.

I think this offers ideas for simplifying the image for embroidery – and I like the greyed background.




Here is the original photo.






Phixr also allows you to overlay one photograph on another  - which I find surprisingly effective. Possibly layered sheers?






Picasa  will also do this – so in the spirit of scientific enquiry here is Picasa’s ‘Multiple Exposure’.

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