'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Thursday 4 November 2010

Cor, luv a duck!


Except it’s a chicken. Or maybe a peacock.

This was the result of my college class yesterday. We had to take a line for a walk on a piece of A3, then select part of it for the outline of a stuffie.

The emphasis was very much on making a figure – but me, I had to be different. The shape I saw was an elegant swan.


Stop laughing, he’ll look better when his seams are trimmed. [Of course if he’s a chicken he’s not a he – perhaps he is Rambo the ginormous cockerel from Manor Farm?]

S/he will get bigger feet, a coat of paint or several, and an eye or two.

Stuffies are not my favourite thing – I went through a period of making cloth dolls [which will become Babybel’s very soon] but that got it out of my system – and my experience with Rambo has not encouraged me to resume!


Jackie said...

Its spectacular! Love the tail

Gill said...

A dodo?????
What fun!