Unfortunately even well behaved footballing dogs are not allowed in, so Ronaldo the Wonderdog had to stay in the car. However looking at Ronaldo afterwards made me realise how well the artist, Mandy Flynn, had caught the look of a border collie. I was particularly struck by how she had represented the wonderful plumy tail, which looked incredibly soft, even though it was made of chicken wire. [This is the sculpture, by the way - I will try to get a photo of the real thing next time she visits!]
We also revisited the fish on a bicycle by Darren Greenow.
We think we have now been all the way round, and seen almost everything, including the catfish and the rocking horse by Tania Holland. I would love to get a horse for Babybel [although I don't think she would get the pun]. However £695 is a bit outside m
y budget.
There were also some wonderful metal plant forms by Anthony Sturgiss.
The leaves in the gardens are just beginning to turn, but I think they will be even better in about a week's time when we plan on revisiting with Babybel. I don't think she will appreciate the leaves - but she may like the animals!
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