'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Friday 9 November 2012

Congratulations to my classmates!

And all the others who graduated this week.

This is probably the only picture of me which will ever appear on this blog.

For some reason I look like a rabbit caught in the headlights, although I was feeling quite relaxed. 

The ceremony swithered between being quite moving, and very boring. Moving when I caught sight of the procession of dignitaries coming up the nave, from the West Door of the Cathedral, and when we left the same way. (I've never seen those doors open, and probably will never see again, so it was great to walk through them.) Boring after we'd had our brief moment in the spotlight, and had to wait while hundreds of others had theirs. And it was cold ! 

We followed the ceremony with an enjoyable meal en masse (more or less) at Brasserie Blanc, and came home knackered. But Winchester Cathedral is definitely the place to have your degree ceremony - I can recommend it - if you wear your thermals.


Sandy said...

oh well done! and now, if I ever meet up with you somewhere, I will recognise you!
You look great! you look friendly - if that is allowed
we had Guildford Cathedral in July...just as it started to get hot. Poor DS hates his graduation photo...I must admit, he is looking a bit warm. He insisted on a wool 3 piece suit and tie under the robe.

Julie said...

Congratulations to you Celia and good to 'see' you, you do not look like a rabbit at all!

Lynn Holland said...

I'm laughing Celia, it was the same when I graduated. I felt more sorry for my family who came to support me.
Congratulations to you and well done.

Ps thanks for showing us your work on

Heather said...

Thankyou for visiting my blog and leaving your very useful comment - I will try using PVA next time.
Congratulations on your great achievement. I think you look very good in your cap and gown.