'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Wednesday 23 March 2016

After the drought...

comes a deluge - of junk flyers. Well, four. And for once they were all good quality paper or card. All different sizes, of course.


The largest became a 'guest book' - 'Inside', top, and middle left below. I had some difficult working out how to make this, but Google was my friend and let me to a post on Alisa Golden's excellent blog, where she had made a similar, though not quite identical book.

The other three, not quite the same size, card flyers became the snake book, 'New Hot Pepperoni Passion ' - or, if you prefer, three snake books glued together.
One day, when I don't have Degree Shows to worry about, I think I should paint over these flyers (all bar the 'cover'), and write stories to go with the titles.


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