'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Sunday 20 January 2008

C&G - the next step

These are the beads I have made for my metre piece - they are about 1.5 cm long or less. Most of them are made of Tyvek - painted gold, machine embroidered, rolled and zapped with a heat gun.
The whitish ones are Kunin felt, embroidered and zapped. Unfortunately they haven't come out as well as the samples I did - they just went hard rather than hole-y - so I may try the soldering iron on them instead.
There are a few made from dampened rolled Sinamay, but I think they are not tough enough for what I want, so I will probably use the Tyvek ones. I usually like to have at least 3 different variations of things, but in this case I will probably end up with no more than two as I can't think of another variation. In any case I am getting rather bored with roiling tiny bits of textile round a kebab stick ...


Digitalgran said...

These beads look so fragile and delicate in those creams and gold.

quirkyartist said...

They look exquisite.