'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Friday 13 June 2008

it's official!

I have completed C&G!

I took the box and the book of the box in on Thursday night and everything was signed off.

To prove it here is the box:

And here is the book of the box. This time the book was going to be very simple – just a pamphlet – but you may be surprised to see that it got a bit more complex than that. I decided that a stick binding was appropriate for work inspired [a long time ago] by a forest

My sewing machine seems to like putting things in plastic pockets!

Just the exhibition at the start of next month and it will all be over.

I feel rather odd – not really celebratory. it’s the first time in four years I have not had a deadline hanging over me. To some extent I feel relieved – but I know I will miss the companionship and the discipline of the classes.

I suppose that now I can tackle all the things I have been postponing because I had college work to do – if I can only remember what they are!

I have done my usual post-piece completion tidy up so the floor of my work room is visible again, apart from the pile of magazines and books with pages marked. And I have an idea for a canvas work piece based on a carved wooden chest I photographed while we were away. And I am half way through another baby cardigan.

So I don’t think I will be sitting idly in the sunshine any time soon.


Julie said...

Congratulations on completing your course! Your box and book are beautiful.

Judi said...

Congratulations on finishing your course. We have missed you on dyehards. Join the swaps and you'll have deadines again.

Françoise said...


Lesley said...

Celia, Congratulations on finishing. Your box looks fabulous. Now you can do whatever you want! Lesley

Unknown said...

Many congratulations from us too!!!

I meant to reply to your email to say so but I didn't get the chance before we headed out for the day yesterday.

Charlotte says thank you in advance for the baby cardigan too!

Jackie said...

oh what a wonderful feeling!
I sat down at my sewing machine with a big pile of fabric and just stitched with no design sheets. It was great!