'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

As I expected...

the 'Embroidere's Ledger' course with Karen Ruane is taking our colour study exercises to places we never reached on C&G. 

We've been looking at shapes drawn from the original image. Unfortunately my original image didn't really lend itself to this exercise, so I had to peer at negative shapes and shading within shapes, in a rather small   reproduction, to try to find something interesting. I rather like the flame shapes, but I've chosen to use the Paisley one for now.

We've also been looking more at colour, using thread as well as paint and pencils. It was impossibe to find threads for all the subtle colour variations in the original - I don't have a wide range of tans and creams, for some reason!

If you want to see what my fellow students are doing, there's a Flickr group here. 

We are moving into more stitch, pattern etc. Karen keeps us moving, so I am struggling to keep up!

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