'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Friday, 1 February 2013

Just a quickie.

Not much has been happening around here about from child minding, coughs and colds, and the police turning up at the Discovery Centre this morning. I was due to meet Wensleydale there, and thought they'd come to arrest him for being a Hell's Grandad, but no, he was being good, it was an event for people with learning difficulties. 

So while he was still free, we took in the Michael Craig Martin exhibition upstairs in the Discovery Centre (good, lovely colours and shapes) and the Mayor's choice downstairs (less good, more interesting for the historic views of Winchester and environs than for the quality of the art). Interesting that the image they've chosen to use on that link is the picture I liked best of all in the exhibition, though judging by Wikipedia,  the artist, Fred Appleyard, didn't always confine himself to such unostentatious subjects.  

Then we had a nice lunch at the usual place and came home. 

Embroidery has been taking place, and I've almost finished page 5, while page 6 is waiting in the wings. Designs have been made for pages 7&8, though they need work. And I've had an idea about how to actually construct the book, using grosgrain ribbon hinges between the pages. 

So perhaps something has been happening round here after all...


Kitty said...

Ooooh I think M was there.

Cda00uk said...


I did wonder if he might be involved, but didn't spot him.