'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Yesterday was junk mail day...

so today it was time for some book making. The idiosyncratic size of one of the flyers led to some lateral thinking in order to make use of it, but I am very happy with the result. I had intended to make all these junk mail books the same way, but I realise it would be more than just procrastination (because, let's be honest, it was) if I challenged myself to come up with new ways to use what I've got.

Also, I need to give them titles. This one has to be 'Are you having problems with your eyes'!








Then, having fun and more time to waste (not) I replaced the pages in a used up notebook. Its odd size left offcuts which were big enough to make another notebook, so I found a scrap of card from a misprinted Advent calendar to make a cover. But I decided to needed more pages, and the offcuts of those were big enough to make a smaller notebook... (I resisted, I felt I had wasted enough time!)









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