I have far too many printouts of ideas from the Internet, and most of them just sit in a file and never get used, However a suitable box became available just after I found this one, so I had a go. It wasn't a cereal box - our cereal comes in bags - but a boil in the bag rice box, although I think any stiff card would do.
Whether it was because the surface of the box was very shiny, or because I was using cheapo gesso, but when I tried to paint the gesso it began to peel off. So as I didn't like the look of the print on the box showing though anyway, I worked on the inside. In future, if I want the print to show, I will try sanding the box lightly first.

I also used cheapo T-shirt transfer paper so the result is very shiny - but as I will be using them for book covers [now there's a surprise] I don't mind the shininess. I do like the way the gesso and paint background shows through the image, though - a photo I took at 'Another Place', manipulated in Paint Shop Pro.

This is one of my 'stellar' designs - a 'Neocolour' drawing also manipulated in PSP. This version is on paper, printed in draft mode, then, as usual, scanned four times -normally, with inverted colours, in grey scale and black and white. I do like to get my money's worth out of a piece!

This is the same image, printed in normal mode on fabric. I didn't bother trying best mode, it didn't seem necessary. This one looks as good in the flesh as it does on my monitor. I think there is a touch of Mackintosh about the top right hand corner!

In this one the Inkaid is more evident, but I don't find it a problem, as I think it contributes to the swirliness.
The Inkaid definitely stiffens the fabric, although presumably that would be less evident with only one coat. I was going to hand stitch but it may end up machined becasue of the stiffness and resistance to a needle.
I would like to try sponging or stamping the Inkaid on, rather than putting it on with a brush. I hope this would break the image up, either randomly or in the shape of the stamp. Inkaid is runnier than the I would usually use for stamping, but I hope it would work, and might reduce the stiffness.
Not sure when I will get round to this as it is the first session of the 'Contemporary Textiles Workshop' tomorrow. As usual in first sessions of textile courses - the list of things to bring makes no mention of textiles...
I forgot to mention that we had a Wednesday wander yesterday - a quick trip to Whitchurch Silk Mill where the North Downs Lace Makers have a small exhibition. A very friendly lady offered to show me how to make lace - but I think I have enough fibre habits for now and doubt I have the patience for lace - see previous discussions of my low tolerance for repetition. Now if it had been spinning it would have been a different story.
If you live near enough to the Silk Mill and fancy visiting their exhibitions - if you pay the Gift Aid entrance fee they give you a year's free pass - which is one reason we go regularly!
And finally - Lynn has asked what needle I use for stitching on paper. Obviously a lady who likes asking hard questions! I tend to shove part-used machine needles into a pin cushion to use when sewing paper - by which time I have forgotten what they were. I know some people have machine needle cushions marked with sizes and types and if I ever need an excuse for making another needle cushion, I'll make one like that.
And finally - Lynn has asked what needle I use for stitching on paper. Obviously a lady who likes asking hard questions! I tend to shove part-used machine needles into a pin cushion to use when sewing paper - by which time I have forgotten what they were. I know some people have machine needle cushions marked with sizes and types and if I ever need an excuse for making another needle cushion, I'll make one like that.
To be serious - it is probably Organ brand, and at least a size 90, because of the thickness of the sandwich I am sewing. Sorry I can't be more helpful, Lynn!
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