Here she is with her feely book. She really is a very happy baby and tolerated our lack of recent practice in nappy changing, feeding and bathing, and lack of knowledge of her routine. Unlike her father and uncle at her age, she loves to be cuddled and on occasion fell asleep in my arms. She even seems to like her granny’s singing!
Here she is concentrating on trying to work out how the buckle of her high chair strap works - which she kept up for nearly 15 minutes [under supervision of course]. Not bad for a 10 month old.
She also mastered climbing on to Gran's coffee table - and up the stairs. Time to get a stair gate!
All creativity was put on hold while she was here apart from a bit of baby knitting when she was asleep. I had signed up for another Sue Bleiweiss course which started last weekend so, having got rather left beh
Since Babybel left I have tackled this week's Coptic bound book, using some of the heap of painted papers I made during C&G, so it went together fairly quickly. It needs something on the cover but I am not sure what – perhaps when I decide what to put in it.
Your beautiful granddaughter is growing up so quickly. Isn't she gorgeous!
Lovely books!
Babybel is getting prettier and prettier...
Lucky grandma!
So sorry I haven't visited for a while..I've been very busy so now I'm doing a whistle stop tour of all the blogs I read! You certainly made up for the time out with babybel.
lovely pics Celia!
And THANK YOU so very much to you and Wensleydale for looking after her especially while ill!!!!
L,R,C and Y xxxx
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