'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Thursday 16 October 2008

It is very unusual

for us to go out in the evening - but last night, for once, we did.

We went to listen to a talk by Susie MacMurray at the Discovery Centre. I have to confess that all I knew about her before we went was that she had done a beautiful drawing in the 'Object as Muse' exhibition. I meant to do some more research before we went, but never got round to it, so was quite surprised to find out what sort of work she does. Although not described as a textile artist, there are clear textile links like this, this and this, which is probably what she is best known for. Maybe that was why her audience was almost completely women - I counted 4 men in total, compared with 50 - 100 women.

She is a very good speaker - unassuming, clear and interesting. No 'art speak'. It was fascinating to hear the ideas behind her work - and I wish I'd known about her when 'Shell' was still on display in Chichester. For those who don't know it is made of red silk velvet and mussel shells [or muscle shells, according to the Discovery Centre flier!].

I would also love to have seen 'Echo' in York - it would be wonderful to have a similar piece in Winchester Cathedral, where there is more coloured glass. It is made from hair nets and fibre from violin bows - Susie used to be a professional musician.

Susie is currently planning installations for Compton Verney, so we will have to revisit when they are there.

And finally - one of the photos from Christchurch that M Cheddar so kindly sent me. This is Babybel, her daddy and Ronaldo the wonder dog who wishes someone would please kick that ball! I think this really captures the atmosphere of a lovely family day out.

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