'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Sunday 6 June 2010

A productive weekend


So productive I’m gobsmacked.

Most importantly – this is finished.  Sewn down to the backing, cord made to hang it by, and all the paperwork done. It took me most of yesterday afternoon to write the critical evaluation.

It is all bagged up [I’d like to pretend I made a drawstring bag specially for it but really I liberated one I keep my slate frames in] and ready to go to college on Wednesday – together with all the stuff I need for painting still lives.


Flushed with success I went back to this and finished that too. Note I said ‘finished’ – I’d done quite a lot to it while I was procrastinating about the 2D piece. The lumps at the bottom are whipping over pipe cleaners, so it curls round and stands up by itself. There are also beads but they don’t seem to show very well.





And then I finished another piece of procrastination. [And weirdness.]

I didn’t expect it to stand up by itself – but it does.

Anyone else remember a fashion for vessels with holes in the sides, made of terracotta, some time last century? [I love saying that.] Possibly in the 70s? Or am I imagining it?



Then I got started on this. 

Two layers of florists’ wrap [possibly Sizoflor], with threads and sequins in between the layers, free machined, [forgot to photograph it at this stage] sewn into a bag and zapped.




In case it isn’t immediately obvious <g>, it is a lining for this, the mermaid’s purse to be.

I keep telling myself I don’t do whimsy. If its ugly enough, does it not count as whimsy?



Speaking of odd things - in my self imposed mission to rescue all textile related objects I come across in charity shops, last week I bought four ring frames and a bag of floss [£4.50 – bargain!].

And hidden among the floss, along with theIMG_1220 world’s rustiest needle, was this – a combined ruler and knitting needle gauge. Must be quite old as its pre-metric. It is made of heavy card, and can’t have been used much. I love it.

But then I'm weird.


Kitty said...

seriously impressed with your textile collection. I really love your felt 3D piece.

JP said...

what a busy and clever lady!!!!