'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Thursday 29 September 2011

Decisions have been made…

as have aprons. And mind maps.

Fortunately I made the apron before the decisions, or poor Mrs Cheese Minor might have had to wait a long time for it.

image It was going to be a quick job – find a pattern on the internet, find a bit of fabric, and whip it up.

Mmm – well, the pattern I found turned out to be enormous even on me, and Mrs CM is considerably slimmer. So the first one has become a dyeing apron, as it covers most of Cheese Acres, and this one is smaller – although still quite big.

I decided it looked a bit boring, so why not add a bit of machine embroidery? – just an automatic pattern, nothing too time consuming.

That bit was OK – but when i came to top stitch the other sides, the thread kept breaking -

and break ing

and br eak ing.

I changed the needle – twice. rethreaded the machine top and bottom times without number, adjusted tensions in all directions. finally moved the spool from the vertical prong to the horizontal prong – and it that seemed to solve it.

So, sorry Mrs CM, bits of it should not be looked at too closely – but it should help to keep you clean.

On Wednesday I hauled half the contents of my work room into college, and did qimageuite a lot of printing and a bit of stitch – which I have forgotten to photograph.

In the afternoon I had my tutorial, and after inspection of my summer work [most of which is now quite definitely samples], judgment was given,

This -





but primarily this, together with its baby brother, have been given the thumbs up.

The rest, nowhere.

We then had a long discussion about where I could go from – and I was sent away to see ‘What if?’ and make 15, all different, by Christmas.

At which I quailed just a tad.

I realise that what I should have done this summer was just try out ideas without worrying about what constituted a PC – and leave making decisions till now. Which is what I did in the end, [but not ‘without worrying’]

So, last night I made a mind map [don’t I always?] and came up with several ideas – which I am already considering imagediverting from…

Never very good at doing what I’m told, me.

As it was a lovely day, I went out and took photos using the different settings on my camera – which I may Photoshop later, for the PMS. I’ve gone back to the idea of making a book as well – although according to Sue the tutor, the bunch of sticks is a book because it’s got a cover [sticks top and bottom] pages [rolled up newspaper] and a binding [plastic cord].image Works for me.image

This afternoon I made another one, with cellophane. This may be a way to use up some of the acres of paper-like substances i have squirreled away.

One down, 14 to go – unless I include the originals…

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