'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Saturday 15 September 2012

A week I'd prefer not to repeat.

Four sessions of grandchild minding (they are lovely but tiring)  and a stomach bug. Fortunately the former preceded the latter, but because Wensleydale got the bug first, I had a morning of single handed baby minding. It made me appreciate how much help he is, (divide and conquer), and, what I'd forgotten, what hard work it is looking after little ones single handed. Of course the last time I did it I was 30 years younger...

So not much creative has happened this week. I ended up starting some very simple knitting, but made mistakes even with that. 

This week was particularly complicated because Babybel has started school, and these days they seem to have a prolonged induction period - 1 week of mornings only and one week of mornings + lunch before she goes full time next week. She has obviously enjoyed herself but has found it very tiring, just like her daddy did. And the VHC clearly misses his big sister, and has been a bit clingy in her absence - just like his daddy was, although in his case it was big brother.

However I can show you one or two textiley things I made earlier. Ages ago, when I was constructing POT, I showed you a scarf I'd started.  Two rows a day, in a colour to match that day's sky. I started it last August, with the intention of working it for a year, but unfortunately I lost the note of the date I'd started. So I went on till the end of this August. 

As you can see, we did have some sunny patches last year. (As well a lot of grey ones...) It is about 2 metres long, and Wensledale is quite taken with it.

This is a bit smaller. 

I bought an iBook called 'Stupendous Stitches' because I'd come across Carol Ann Waugh's work on Craftsy - the iBook was cheaper than the course, and I don't do videos. 

I was interested in the combination of machine embroidery stitches and hand stitching, but I can't see myself using it too often, so I'm glad I didn't pay too much to find out about. It made a nice little bag, though.

I'm hoping for a quieter time next week, as we settle into the new routine of picking up our schoolgirl in the afternoons.

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