but it was pretty stressful. It started, sadly but not unexpectedly, with a funeral, of a family member, the first of our generation. Then, as I have mentioned before, there was the little matter of putting up and taking down an exhibition, which overlapped with the school holidays with all the extra grandparenting. And finally and joyfully, because we all really needed something good, there was a wedding! Cheese Major married his señorita, so she is now Señora Cheese - except that she has followed Spanis custom and kept her maiden name.
I rarely include photos of my family on this blog, but just for once...
And here is one of the beautiful bridesmaids, in her 'best dress ever!'
and her little brother, who enjoyed himself so much he didn't want to come home. All photos with a little help from Waterlogue.
Now we are coming down to earth, and hoping that May will be a little less eventful.
Knitting has continued. They may be unwearable gloves - or, on the other hand, they may be
a porcupine
and a snake.
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