'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Friday 21 March 2008

Making paper while the wind blows.

I see that my friend A has blogged about our papermaking exploits last week -


so I thought I would too. At the time it seemed like a bit of a disaster – but with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight it wasn’t so bad after all.

I have made paper before, several times. On a warm sunny day I have been known to soak the contents of the shredder bin, go into the garden and make a wonderful mess. [N.B. Don’t do this if you have shredded a credit card, unless you want to blunt your blender blades and have sharp bits in your paper. Ask me how I know.]

However last week all sorts of things seemed to go wrong. I have come to the conclusion that there are some things I can do in a room full of people, but paper making isn’t one of them.

However – before my blender blew up I did manage to produce some pieces: these are the best ones.

This one uses a child’s play-doh cutter as a stencil. They are meant to be whales - the shape of the cutter made it difficult to get the paper pulp into all the corners. One of my paper making books suggests using a turkey baster to put the pulp in. Now why didn’t I read the book before the lesson?

The top one is cast over a wooden moulding from B&Q – pulp kindly supplied by my friend A. [Hence the lime green.] The bottom one was done by putting squeezed out pulp into the top of a cat food container – can’t remember the brand as quality control usually has to make do with Sainsbury’s cheapo cat food – this was a Christmas present!]

This was embossed with a plastic doyley from the £ shop. I got the shape by using a circle of plastic canvas as a mould.

To be continued …

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