One of the pots which struck me at the exhibition was this one:
and scroll down to the white pot. I am often drawn to achromatic pieces, although I usually use colour in my own work. [Preferably lots of colour.]
When I do use an achromatic scheme it tends to be black and silver or gold. [If that counts as achromatic.] The only time I tried a cream piece I got so bored I had to add some blue.
But - I have been exploring different ways of attaching one piece of white paper to another – and the book is the result. [The pliers in the photos are there to hold the pages open.]
This is the front cover - staples. The whole thing is held together with string, and sewing that through 8 layers of watercolour paper wasn't easy, even with prepunched holes. Hence the pliers ...
More staples.
Duck tape. I really like this one.
Decorative brads. I knew I'd find a use for them eventually.
Eyelets. The string is for decoration only.
Cross stitch. Regular readers will know that I loathe and abhor cross stitch, but I can manage four.
French knots. Purists will notice that these are not well made French knots - if I made them properly the paper tore. Hence the little tadpole tails.
I am going to make something similar using fabric. I am not sure if this will lead into anything in embroidery – perhaps something 3D? - but I am having fun.
Although I find it hard to believe, this is my hundredth post – and coincidentally Mary has kindly given me an ‘I love your blog’ award.

The rules of the award are:
Put the logo on your blog.
Link the person you received your award from.
Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
Put links of those blogs on yours.Leave a message on the blogs of those you’ve nominated
Well – Mary’s excellent blog is
so I’ve managed two of the five. I am still pondering on who else to lumber – er -nominate – so watch this space!
I like your book - very unusual but it's fun and has lots of potential.
Your book looks fun. I went to the Discovery Centre for the Craft Council exhibition last week. I really enjoyed it - I love the idea of a free gallery with some top class exhibitions, but I don't have to use it as a library as well.
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