'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Sunday 23 January 2011

For some odd reason …

I have a fixation that hand embroidery can only be done in the evening, in the living room – the days are for the work room, and machine embroidery, or other things not done in the living room. I think this dates back to BR [Before Retirement] when I had to make the best use I could of the weekends, which were the only times I could get to the work room and do stuff.

At the moment I need to finish off the hand embroidery on the drawer linings, and then sew them up on the machine – but I can’t bring myself to do the hand embroidery during the day. And it wasn’t possible last night because of the need to read subtitles on another of BBC4’s excellent Scandinavian police series – Danish, this time. Beautifully shot, beautifully paced and scripted, and the effect on the family of the murdered girl treated in far more depth than I have ever seen in a fictional piece. Try watching the scene where the murdered girl's parents tell her younger brothers about her death without crying – I couldn’t.

Interesting that a country with a population smaller than London, with  a language spoken by few outside its shores, can make such excellent television – and what do we make? Midsomer Murders.

But I digress.

As I didn’t have much machining to do, I had to find other, non-college related things to do during the day.

Like making bowls – the usual Lois Walpole design, with selected strips of sari ‘silk’ for the weaving. [I am addicted to sari silk, I can’t stop buying it.]IMG_4450 It needs shearing, but I am pleased with it. I’m thinking of experimenting with using craft Vilene for the ‘warp’ as:

  1. I have too much Vilene and
  2. no more of the right sort of cardboard. Lots of cardboard, it’s just all too thick.

I did get two drawers finished, though -

IMG_4448 the button drawer






and the string drawer 


although the contents of the latter are short of three red balls - I've decided they need either tiny tassels or beads, not sure which.

I got the results for Module 6, the 3D samples back on Saturday [always posted, so we can’t argue on the spot <g>]. 75%, which I'm perfectly happy with. Reading between the lines, I lost marks because my eIMG_4198xperimetnal samples weren't experimental enough.

There was a suggestion that I should think about combining the knitted vessels, like this one




with the woven pieces like, I assume, this


or this - which has me stumped!

The mean, moody black and white photos are because we had to submit them in b&w.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love that bowl! I have been trying to make one for some time! Is there a pattern/instructions that Lois Walpole provides that I could purchase online?