'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Tuesday 14 February 2012

My muse.

Since it’s Valentine’s day, it’s a good day to celebrate the man who this morning delivered a card, a single red rose [‘One wed wose? How womantic’] – and a good idea.

Not the pimageostman. He hasn’t delivered anything today – and if he did it would probably be for someone else.


The plan says ‘mock-ups and models’ so I’ve been pootling around with ideas for tubes, including this one – which I liked the look of, but it didn’t say anything to me. The armature inside is newspaper on, as you can see, a junk CD base, but the non-recycled black paper didn’t seem to be relevant to anything.image

I’ve been calling it a prayer flag – and this morning W. suggested that, as I always say bits of plastic bags caught in trees remind me of prayer flags, why not replace the black paper with a plastic bag?

The man’s a genius.

OK, the armature needs more paint, and it’s not as elegant as the black one, but it’s saying more – and reminds me of these. Just imagine lots of them outside. So now I'm after as many junk CDs   I can scrounge. [I’ve got plenty of plastic bags.]


Other ideas, more or less successful.



Mock-ups for small framed indoor pieces. They will look better as tubes but I need to find a suitable background.







An idea for another outdoor piece – amazing what ideas come when you find a bit of old lampshade you forgot you had.



And an idea inspired by a photo of a fence in Mali.





Not only does W. deliver roses and ideas – he also puts up with a completely loopy wife.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

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