'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Thursday 9 February 2012

Sometimes I stick to the plan.


More or less.

Today’s plan was to get up at dawn and photograph ‘Mirror’ in the wild, at hourly intervals.

Unfortunately he who can hear the alarm clock had a different idea as to what constituted ‘dawn’ than I did – so it was 7.30 when I started – and the the hourly intervals got a bit fluid. But I have 11 more or less evenly spaced photos. Until mid-afternoon it was uniformly grey and overcast, so there isn’t much difference in the photos, and I think I may have to do it again. 

I have persuaded Picasa to make a slide show which is on Google+ and with any luck it is visible here, but as a confirmed Luddite I wouldn’t be at all surprised if it didn't work.


Popping out into the [literally] freezing garden every hour meant that I couldn’t settle to anything too engrossing, so not much else was achieved, apart from the usual Thursday photos and a few more samples – the plastic wrapping I forgot, and a couple of shaped wraps, All a bit so-so.

I think that’s it for tube samples – I haven’t experimented with colouring them, because I prefer the ‘natural’ colours – or the bleached versions. Of course I used Brusho on several of the bits which are out in the garden now, but I don’t think I will do it again. The most successful were the globs of black acrylic on Storm Cones, which I might repeat.

I do want to sample some painted/collaged paper for making books [yes, back to that again] but as the temperature of the painting studio conservatory is only slightly above that of the garden, I don’t see myself doing that any time soon.



Earlier in the week, feeling a bit  housebound, we braved the cold to go and look at snowdrops at Kingston Lacey – and very pretty they were. The soup and chocolate cake in the restaurant were pretty good too.









But I liked these best. According to a member of staff we spoke to, one of the gardeners has a degree in sculpture, and she had been let loose with her shears on some of the shrubs. Definitely the best topiary I've ever seen!

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