'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Tuesday 9 December 2008

Blogs I like

A few days ago Wil was kind enough to nominate me for the Kreativ Blogger award. I have been lazy about doing anything about it, partly because I know some people don't like participating in such things, and partly because I suspect that may of the blogs I read get nominated umpteen times. Instead I decided that I would list a few I enjoy, without making a formal nomination.

What kick started me into it was coming across this textile related blog, where artist Solveigh Goett posts her 'on-line card index' of small textile pieces with brilliantly chosen relevant text. It is engrossing and thought provoking, especially to someone like me who has lots of vintage haberdashery - I mentioned my inherited stashes in my previous post. I have to confess that I particularly enjoyed 'A sheep story' - [scroll down to November 18th] which is rather lighter than some other items.

I reached Goett's blog via that of Kirsty Hall, an artist who posts about her own work and links to other art blogs, not all textile related. You can spend hours fossicking about on there too!

I suspect many stitchers know Jude Hill's 2 blogs - 'Spirit cloth' and 'What if?' If not, you are in for a treat. Hill was recently featured on Quilting Arts.

And finally, for the C&G Embroidery students out there, Helen Cowans is blogging her History of British Embroidery. I'm sure no C&G student would be guilty of plagiarism ...


Unknown said...

Thanks for the mention. hopefully no one will copy it straight out. They loose out if they do as the research is fascinating.

jude said...

hey, thanks you for the kind review and also for some great links!

Solveigh Goett said...

I am glad you like my blog - will try to look out for some more lighter stories...