'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Wednesday 31 December 2008

The blue book

I have completed the first embroidered entry in my blue book - the one based on printed holey paper. I should have said before that the paper was blue, which is why the print came out more purple than the original image. Apart from a bit of couching and some beads, this is all Sorbello stitch. It is a lovely stitch, and can look very different depending on the length of the legs and the thickness of the thread. I apologise for the ragged edges. It kept telling me it needed a beaded edge but I don't have enough suitable beads.

The next piece to work on is this - the same image printed on several layers of hand made paper - also blue, so I am not sure why it has retained the orange colour of the original ... I wasn't sure what to do with it until Jackie posted this image in response to the meme in my previous post. What else could an image of lichen be but paving stones? Thanks, Jackie!

In a serendipitous moment, while I was working on something else, a scrap of hand dyed silk ended up on an offcut of wadding - and I loved the way it looked. A little bit of stitch to hold the two together and this is how it ended up. I have a lot of this silk which was a 'failed' hand dyeing experiment - I think its time may have come, although I have so many ideas and not nearly enough time ...

Not much will be done over the next couple of days because we are awaiting the arrival of Babybel and her mum and dad for New Year's Eve - and then tomorrow we are all meeting up with Mr and Mrs Cheddar and going 'on the buses', which seems to be becoming a family tradition - i.e. we will have done it two years running.

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