'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Tuesday 28 July 2009

Embroidery has occurred.



Not a lot of it, admittedly, but after the weeks of [metaphorical] drought … 

This is a bit of felt I mucked about with on the embellisher a while ago. There is a felt bound book in ‘Re:bound’ which uses shrunk knitting but I decided to use my embellished bit instead. So it has had a bit of free machining added and tomorrow it may get some hand embroidery as well. Has the muse returned? We will see.

Of course the drought is only metaphorical as it continues to be cold, wet and miserable here. Wensleydale and I have bought what can only be described as Pacamacs. [Curious how what you laughed at when your parents had them seem sensible and practical after the third such ‘summer’.]

Will the purchase of rainwear be enough to overcome the curse of St Swithun? My money’s on the saint.


And as a change from shells – some visual texture spotted when transferring the shopping to the fruit bowl.

After admiring it, and photographing it – I ate it.

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