'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Monday, 29 March 2010

l Know a bird flies to the nest. l know a cold flies to the chest.

We know where the birds go when the wintery weather is nigh...
...But how high does a fly fly when a fly flies ever so high?

I don’t know the answer to the question in this Playschool ditty – but I can confirm the second statement. My cold flew to my chest on Thursday night and has remained resolutely embedded there ever since – leading to a lot of sleeping, coughing – and if you’ll pardon the expression, sweating. Except when I venture from the unheated bedroom to the heated living room, where I shiver. Go figure. And my ability to navigate round this laptop has gone completely to pot – not just because I'm having to use the touchpad, which I hate with a vengeance! Despite that I'm wandering the web, and  came across this:


Now that looks like fun!

No sampling has taken place since I last posted, although stitch has played a part in some rather odd dreams!

We were due to go to Babybel mum’s  birthday do on Sunday, but they also were ill, so it’s all been postponed to Easter. I have to confess I'm not sorry – I couldn’t have gone and I didn’t want to miss the fun!

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