'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Sunday, 15 August 2010

No muse is good muse?

Er- I think not.

Perhaps after tomorrow – when we are going on a life drawing class – and the Cheese Minors’ move should, finally, take place – my muse will return. [By the way, thanks for all the kind comments about their move – much appreciated.]image

Not that I haven’t been busy. We have had a visit from Babybel and her dog, so her mum and dad could have time to sort stuff – and then took her up to Mr & Mrs Cheddar, our co-grandparents, for their turn.

So art did take place – it just wasn’t mine. 


image I did manage to finish my version of this - which is not nearly as small as it appears in the photo. It stretches.

A nice, straightforward pattern if you have a few balls of mohair looking for  a home – mine took exactly 3 50gm balls.

And I have spent a happy afternoon weeding clothes which no longer fit out of the wardrobe. Happy because although I’ve had to junk quite a lot [or send them to the charity shop, if they are still wearable] it’s because they are too big, not too small. And that is a very nice feeling.

Mind you, it is Babybel’s daddy’s birthday on Monday so by the time we’ve been to the house warming/birthday bash - [fish and chips, champagne  and birthday cake are not the most slimming choices] I may need to dig those bigger jeans out of the charity shop bags…

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