'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Friday, 27 August 2010

We survived!

Yesterday was our first full day of Babybel-sitting [the noble Mrs. Cheddar is covering the other days] while her mum and dad were at work – and despite the day starting at a time that I had forgotten existed – we had fun. We did some dog walking and running through puddles - of which there were many – and which necessitated a complete change of clothing when we got home. [Note to self – give morning bath after dog walk if there is any likelihood of puddles on dog walking route.]

Then after lunch we did shopping in the local pet shop [very popular], followed by a bus ride to feed ducks and visit the play park. After which it was time to go back home to wait for daddy.

Just as  when I was teaching, I had massively over-prepared, so the box full of craft activities never got touched, nor did the dishwasher full of clean things and the pile of dirty dishes which her granddad [or, as she would have it, ‘Grangrad’] had saved for her – washing up and dishwashers being top favourites. [Bet that changes by the time she’s old enough to do it unsupervised …]

Then we went to bed and slept and slept and slept – although I can’t speak for Babybel.

We had a lovely time – but I think there is probably a very good reason Mother Nature prevents women of my age from having babies…

1 comment:

JP said...

I so know the feeling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!