'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Monday 25 October 2010

Adventures in Basketry Part Deux


This one is definitely underwhelming - this photo is taken from its most flattering side, though what doesn’t show clearly is the best bit – the way most of the coloured sections ended up at one end, and the other is mostly newspaper coloured. This technique is a lot more difficult than the previous one - much more like what ‘real’ basket making with cane must be like. I don’t think this one will become a resolved sample.IMG_3303

The other basket has acquired some contents.

In addition to the netted stone. there are two embroidered coils.




I started the little one in the wire wrestling college session when I had nothing better to do – I wrapped a bit of wire round my specs case, slid it off and worked raised chain band over it. The longer one is the coil from a spiral bound sketchbook, with knotting worked over it.

They remind me of sea anemones – so perhaps they are unidentified marine artefacts …

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