'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Thursday 30 December 2010

I decided…

it was time I stopped whingeing, got off my backside and did something.

So I took  one-and-a-lid of these [the box, not the cat] …


and three quarters of one of these…IMG_4337and made this.IMG_4339Not beautiful, but I have it on very good authority [the External Examiner] that ‘It doesn’t have to be beautiful’. [The clamps are, of course, temporary - thanks, A. for tipping me off about them all those years ago.]

Then I made two drawer mock ups, and two view finders the same size as the bottoms of the drawers. for selecting sections to put in them.


Sections of what, I hear you ask.

Search me. Not that I have no idea – I have too many ideas. But at least I’ve got the chest made. The drawers will follow – I was a bit gobsmacked when I worked out big a piece of cardboard I’ll need to make just one drawer – hoarding all those book mailers turned out to be a good thing.

Of course, we haven’t yet had tutorials on this piece, so next week tutorial hands may be thrown up in horror at the very idea and it will be time for Plan B [thinking up Plan C, in case you didn’t know].

I’ve even found time to Google some images for the final Drawing Studies tasks – just a couple more to do [Richard Long for landscape, LS Lowry for architecture], then write down something about them, add an evaluation and I can sleep peacefully in my bed again. [Not that I ever do.]

I have a feeling this burst of enthusiasm stems as much from the fact that I am beginning to get over the cold some kind person gave me for Christmas, as from sheer panic at all these deadlines.

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