'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Tuesday 21 December 2010





With rubber bands,






the bottom of mushroom boxes,




brown paper [can you read it?]






 bus tickets and the back of an envelope,




IMG_4267more brown paper,


and my favourite – 1/4 inch slices of a loo roll tube, stitched to paper.

You may have noticed these all lack one ingredient which perhaps should be part of work for a degree in stitched textiles. There is some stitch – but unless paper is a textile, there are no textiles.


Inspiration from here, here and here

Speaking of inspiration, after all my whingeing about Amazon’s non- express delivery – 3 days after ordering this from them [ordinary delivery], and after them telling me it probably wouldn’t arrive before Christmas because of the weather – the postie trudged up the drive with it this morning.

Guess what I'll be reading tonight.

1 comment:

Kitty said...

That book look like a good read as well as a feast for the eyes.