'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Saturday 31 December 2011

I’m easily distracted.



Today was going to be spent working on the RSN too-small-to-see  canvas work, and possibly making a piano hinge book with the remains of Cellophane.


But …



while I was dismantling this year’s desk calendar [yes, I know I’m a day early, but I know what day it is today, for once] I found this bit of packaging.

It’s a book cover. Obviously.




So, a few simple steps and an afternoon later I have a two sided notebook.   image

Then, this evening, I was wandering through the blogs I follow when I came across this post from Cas Holmes.

Coincidentally, when we went to the Air Museum for Wensleydale’s birthday, I’d spotted a similar piece of lace behind a Spitfire. These two events led to me spending more time than I will admit to Googling about, finding out a bit more about them.  They are amazing pieces of work, made on Jacquard machines, and measuring around 15 ft by 5 ft. I found the locations of about 6 of the 38 made – anyone know of one near them?

So now it’s 7pm, and neither cellophane book nor minute canvas work have been tackled – still there’s always tomorrowimage.

And I did finish the embroidered corrugated card last night.  [It’s not really this bright.]

Wensleydale keeps going on about it looking like some outdated bit of electronic equipment…

And I got the marks for PCs and PMS.

Let’s just say I’m quite pleased and surprised.

Well, very pleased and very surprised.

Well, ecstatic and gobsmacked.

Say no more.

Happy New Year – don’t drink too much champagne. We’re saving ours for breakfast.


Sandy said...

Aha! I knew you'd do well!
Happy New Year! Keep up the good work.
Love the corrogated piece.

Kitty said...

Hope you enjoyed your breakfast champagne - I will confess ours was gone well before the first chimes of midnight!