'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Sunday, 11 April 2010

Embroiderer does some stitching shock!


This is the sum total of my stitching over the last two weeks – bet you’re impressed!

And it’s not even embroidery – but my cack-handed attempts at a darn [top, right side and wrong side] and a patch [bottom, right side and wrong side].

The college session I missed was one the subject of ‘holes’ and was linked to the ‘everyday’ topic. L. kindly sent me  a summary of what I missed – and the requirement seemed to be to make 4 samples of holes, or ‘repairs’ to holes.

So I looked through a few books to research darning and patching, and these are the result. What sort of sad person has ‘a few’ books on darning and patching, you may ask? A sad person who collects old needlework books, the old the better. And the older they are, the more likely they re to have a lengthy section on repairing textiles – For example Amy K. Smith’s ‘Needlework for Student Teachers’ [1897 edition] has 65 well-illustrated pages on patching and darning! [And some indication of what girls were taught in needlework lessons in those days – which is a bit of an eye opener.]

I’m sure Ms Smith would not approve of my efforts – but heck, this is supposed to be creative.

I have now started on the making holes bit – at the moment lots and lots and lots of eyelets. Sitting with my feet up, doing some gentle hand sewing and listening to Radio 3 is about all I’m capable of at the moment – although we did haul ourselves up to Brooklands Museum yesterday to see the family. We had a picnic in the car park while the men watched the cars at Mercedes World – although I will admit that Babybel,  Mrs Cheddar and I were quite taken with the formation driving by 4 neon coloured Smart cars. Then, as I didn’t feel up to going round the museum, Wensleydale and I came home, while the others looked at cars and planes and went on Concorde.And a good time was had by all!

1 comment:

JP said...

hope you are feeling better