'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Monday, 19 April 2010

When in doubt …

make a book. This time it isn’t procrastination. [No, really it isn’t. Honestly. Would I lie to you?]


For the 2D artefact  for the degree we have to keep a work book. This is my work book. Boring, isn't it?

You may be surprised that I am using an bought sketchbook – but when I started the 2D piece I didn’t know what it was going to be, so I didn’t know what sort of book it needed. [It is going to get a cover soon.]

This boring book is nearly full – you can see a bit of a sample sticking out at the bottom.IMG_0722

So I have spent the last couple of days making Workbook 2 – because now I now what sort of book I need. One like this.

Wensleydale says it looks like an old ledger – which wasn’t exactly what I was aiming at, but I did want something worn and tatty looking.

It is yet another mailer covered with old curtain [you are going to see a lot of those old curtains – I’ve got another 3 to use]. I whipped the edges because I wasn’t convinced that the curtain wouldn’t come unstuck. The apologies for tassels are where I joined on a new bit of string for the whipping– it took miles of the stuff.

I have also been playing around with more bits of old curtain and the remains of a tin of emulsion paint. These were made using a foam paint roller, either everyday4as it came, or wrapped in curtain lace, scrim or rubber bands. I also tried using freezer paper stencils as resists. [Yes, that is a hole in the piece top right. That’s how tatty the curtains are. And you can see how faded they are in the workbook cover.  Shame making, because we only took them down a few weeks ago …]

I’ve got a tutorial on Wednesday, so we will see how these go down with the tutor. I've done some more using bleach but they are still drying and not in a fit state to be photographed.

1 comment:

ginny farquhar said...

hi Celia,
i am a fellow summer experimenter and have just popped by to say hello. i have enjoyed reading your blog and am excited by all the techniques and experimentation that you are doing... emulsion and an old curtain! cannot wait to see what Amelia has in store for us. i still need to loose my fear of the blank page!