'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Saturday, 24 July 2010


which around here is a euphemism for ‘using up lots of left over paint’ [or ’things which didn’t really work’.]


I tried out various Jacquard paints on various interfacings [and some bondaweb.] You will notice that I had more orange left over than anything else. I am not fond of orange …

I like the turquoise with white squiggles though.


And I used up some other Jacquard paints for printing – some of these are on the sunprints I did the other day. It was really a bit too hot for printing – the paint was drying before I’d got it on the paper.

I like the abstract blue and white one on the left – although it may get a wash of something watery on top.IMG_2072


I also added some pieces to the homework books. I have decided that this one can be a drawing, although it may be replaced if I actually get to 100. So that’s number 37. I think.




IMG_2070 I don’t know why, but number 38 feels more drawing-like – it is end-of-the-session’ hand dye [i.e. stick an odd bit of fabric in a bucket and pour all the remaining dyes and soda over it], screen print, spray paint  and stencils. O.K, it’s a bit autumnal – but I'm getting bored with ‘summer’ as a topic. [Not with summer, it’s lovely to have a proper one!]



To tell the truth, I’m getting bored with ‘drawings’ as well – I feel some book making coming on. Although they may be books with drawings in, to salve my conscience.

Off to watch the Tour de France now  - what will I do when its over?

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