'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Monday 5 July 2010

It’s time to move on …



from this …








to these [except it’s crept in there] …






or these …







or these …









or even these – but probably not the fake one.





Yes, I have got a lot.



I had fun scanning some of them today. Of course, they don’t scan well, being lumpy – so you get images that look like this. Not, I think, destined to be one of the 100.








But sometimes, if you scan and invert the colours, you get something quite magical and eerie.

It needs cropping, but this will be one of the 100, eventually.





So, having made 25 or 26 ‘drawings’ – I’ve given myself some time off college work, and decided to make a replacement for this. Beautiful, isn’t it? It was one of the first things I made in my venture into patchwork and, although it was intended to hold needlework tools, it has seen long service holding a series of zappers.

I looked at it last night and thought ‘yuk’. And this afternoon I did a bit of completely undesigned machine patchwork.

I’m a closet cIMG_1728razy quilter, although I try not to admit to it in public. Every so often the minimalist aesthetic gets junked in favour of OTT. and little bits of embroidery are just the right thing to do while not watching Brits fail to do very well in the Tour de France.

This will become two pockets, when it’s had some hand stitch – rather a random collection of patches as I was trying to make it all out of scraps. Why is it that your scrap bag never gets any emptier, no matter how many scraps you use? [Or that when you first type ‘scrap’ you miss out one letter – but fortunately I spotted the omission in time.]


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