'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Mmm - maybe not…


This is the best of my attempts to transfer some dim pictures of India to hand-dye. I think we can conclude there was too little colour in the images and too much in the cloth – and possibly too little acrylic gel between the two, and too much paper left on the back.


However, there is a fair amount of other crud stuff destined to go over the top – like this lot of stamped papers.

I was quite surprised by how many Indian stamps I've got. And how much pink paper.





I rolled some gold paint on the back of the fabric, with a lace covered roller.

Now that I like.






I have finished another pair of more red pages – which I'm also underwhelmed by. The threads on the ‘flowers’ seem too assertive, especially on the back, while those on the glitzy diamonds aren’t assertive enough.

I think we can conclude that the last couple of days have been learning experiences.

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