'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Friday 25 March 2011

I’ve started!

The Research Project, that is. During an insomniac Thursday night I started the essential mindmap, which I tweaked yesterday and copied into the portfolio.


Copied, because:

  1. It will allow me to add bits to it when I change my mind, and
  2. I am trying to use glue as little as possible. I have a hate/hate relationship with glue.


  • PVA? – too messy
  • glue stick? – dries out and peels off
  • wallpaper paste? – too wet
  • something obscure in a tube from a chain that no longer exists? – buckles the substrate [showing off again]
  • Bondaweb? – currently my favourite but the iron can have a funny effect on the print, as I found out with the photos in my Identity book, which are slightly more distressed than I intended.

Yesterday I found a Wikipedia article on ‘Artists’ book’ [sic], which I summarised, as instructed by the tutors, while sitting outside in the sunshine this afternoon. [Note to self – must add details to the burgeoning bibliography.] I also began a list of artists to research, none of whom I have yet looked at, despite spending the early evening Googling about. Why? I rediscovered the UWE website. Fossicking around on there led to a paper on UK and Irish book artists, and following up some of them led to the Oxford Brookes artists’ books website. And their list of links led all over the place – MMU, the V&A, the British Library. I’m beginning to realise just how much stuff there is out there.

One of my colleagues has got a box for her RP and is putting everything she finds in it. I've only got a box file. So far.

I have also started the ‘personally managed sketchbook’ which, we discovered on Wednesday, is what is known in this house as a compost heap – chuck everything in it and see what grows. We are supposed to be including design ideas arising from the RP, [but not  people’s ideas, they go in the portfolio], reports and evaluations of exhibitions we’ve been to, other design ideas, doodles, great thoughts etc. etc. etc. ‘Design ideas’ could be drawings, words or photos. Yay! Photos!

So as I have had a vague idea about doing books about litter – I have been photographing litter.


This was prompted because every time we go for our Thursday dog and Babybel walk, [no ducks on Thursdays] I am struck by the fact right next to something like this




there is a lot of this. Even Babybel has noticed – and she doesn’t like it, any more than her granny does!

So maybe my book will be about litter – or alternatively I’ll find another idea and you’ll never hear about it again.


Since then I've been carrying my camera when I’m going somewhere I think there may be litter – which, of course, is almost everywhere – but this morning that did allow me to take advantage of this surreal experience.

Not often you see half a house on wheels.It gives a whole new meaning to ‘mobile home’.

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