For a change. I've had a fairly successful day.

This is a piece of the transfer dyed satin I produced in the Creative Textiles Workshop. I knew I wanted to make book covers with the samples, which aren't very big, but I wasn't sure how to embroider them. In bed last night I browsed through Pamela Watts' book on machine embroidery, and read her suggestion for couching en masse by laying threads over the backing, covering them with chiffon and stitching over the top.
Good chance to get rid of some of those orange threads I don't like.
I didn't have any suitable chiffon but I have lots of net. I started by sewing a grid using Brenda Weekes' suggestion of triple stitch zig-zag at maximum length and width - it gives a nice wavy line and boy is it fast.
But then the thing said 'flames' to me - so I FME'd a few flames and some hot coals. That took a bit longer, but it got me over my thing about FME, though, as flames need to be wobbly. I actually found myself enjoying it!
I also finished a pair of socks - started during the snow when I felt I needed some thicker ones. So it will probably get warmer now.

And I even found time for two stamps - not that they are elaborate ones.

When I made the stamp from this, above, I decided too late that I would like to include that twisted cord running across the bottom - but there was no room for it on the eraser.
So this morning I drew 2 parallel lines on a small rectangular eraser, put in some slightly curved diagonals and carved the stamp. It looks like a ladder, which suggests open chain stitch - not my favourite as it is so easy to get uneven.

While I was making the first stamp I decided it would be even easier just to cut out the diagonals. So I turned the eraser over and carved the other side. For some reason it reminds me of bamboo, but could be couching over a lovely chunky thread.

There is no yellow on the original, the camera decided to add it.
In lieu of a proper daily photo for the stamp - here are some more of Salisbury Cathedral. Here is the exterior - you can see what a grey day it was. Although I have to confess I prefer the interior of Salisbury to the interior of Winchester - I like the plainer exterior of Winchester more than this. Bit of a Puritan really.

Wensleydale insisted on me photographing the thing below, despite the gloom and the camera shake. Modern art?

No - a stack of chairs.
These are the Mompesons - lots of lovely pattern there. Unfortunately by this stage our car park time was running out so I couldn't take as many photos as I would have liked.

A pillar from the Mompesons' tomb.

And finally - an upside down blurry picture of a window - which looks like stitch.

Actually it is a reflection in
this. Which has to be the most amazing font I have ever seen. [That is 'font' as in baptism, not 'font' as in lettering!]
If you have an hour or so to spare, try the sculptor, William Pye's
website. What that man can do with water!