'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Wednesday 11 February 2009

No new stamp today

I have made a couple but the glue is still wet so I can't show them to you.
However - I found this amongst my photos from the Cathedral
and that led to this.
I am getting more and more fascinated by these tiles, so you will probably see a few more of them before the month is out. I am beginning to wonder about how they were designed originally, and by whom.
I have a little book on medieval tiles but of course I can't find it - have to do a bit of Googling instead.
I am also realising how much I take for granted that I can go a few miles into the City and visit an 11th century building with art works which span nearly 1000 years - although unfortunately it is no longer free!
And once again Blogger has decided it doesn't want spaces where I want to put them ...

1 comment:

Jackie said...

This is a lovely post but as you are not happy with the positioning can I suggest that when you are uploading photos you make sure you have selected 'left, right, centre or none'? I usually choose 'none' and they just come up in a row on top of each other.
Hope that helps.