'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Monday 2 May 2011

Going round in circles…

well, polygons.

As promised in my last blog, I’ve been playing around with Sumopaint.image

I started with the image top left, and Sumopaint’s kaleidoscope filter, which has to be my favourite filter.

Then I made a few more from some of my other litter pictures. My original idea was to make flower shapes, but I got a bit carried away.

I’ve posted some on Ideas of Inspiration. The most boring originals seem to make the most interesting kaleidoscopes.


Last night, when struck again with insomnia, I imported some of them into GIMP and played with them a bit more.

Like this. 

It’s turning out to be as bad as my passion flower fixation, but this time I have slightly more idea what I’m doing.


Today, only three days after committing myself to the essay, I did get started on it.

First, I procrastinated for an hour or so, downloading and trying out different mind mapping programs. I’ve been using Vue for a while, chiefly because it lets me change the layout of the mindmap, unlike the one I was using before. But I find it restrictive in other ways: I wanted something which could give me an essay layout plan, rather than a conimageventional mind map.

At the moment I’m trying MindApp, which allows me to make what I discover are called Warnier Orr diagrams. Essay title on the left, list of paragraph topics in sequence next to it, ideas for contents of each paragraph next – all I’ve got to do now is write it.

But the program keeps crashing. The search for the perfect free mindmapping software continues.

The only other interesting [?] thing I’ve done is try to get ready for college on Wednesday. We will be introduced to the next module, ‘Personal Cloths’. [‘Module 12, this is Cheshire – Cheshire, meet Module 12’.]

We have to bring the materials we need to work on our personal cloths. Which is a bit difficult when we don’t yet know what they involve. I have been told that they don’t have to be cloths – so I have packed up a basic book-making kit, a selection of litter images printed on paper and fabric, some sewing stuff and some threads.

And I bet I won’t have what I need…

Could e-mail and ask, but I’m sure the answer will be that they don’t know what I need because they don’t know what I’m going to do. Any more than I do.

I believe this is called ‘Catch-22’.

1 comment:

jamell1 said...

Love the rubish reclaimed photos and remember the essay planning well not that they were ever perfect. Lol.