'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Thursday 26 November 2009

Of beds, daisies and drawing.

We were expecting the cot bed we ordered for Babybel to arrive tomorrow. So of course it arrived today – fortunately W. was in. Equally fortunately it was better packed than the bedding …

I had been worrying about how we were going to get it upstairs, as Wensleydale is out of action as far as carrying heavy stuff is concerned – but of course it was self assembly and the separate pieces were manageable, so I took them upstairs and he assembled it. It looks like a toy – strangely, more so than her cot did. But hopefully it will do a couple of years before she is big enough for a full size bed.

While W. was wielding his Allen key, I stamped daisies on tops. As I expected, the yellow paint I used looks orange on the pink fabric. I used Jacquard fabric paint which I've had for ages but never used – it seemed quite runny but I don’t know if it is always like that or I’ve just kept it too long. I’ll see how they look when they’re dry and perhaps go over them again with a paintbrush. Photos when they’re dry.

And then I drew my hand, following the instructions in ‘Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain’. I was so pleased with the result, I may even post a photo when I’ve taken one.

And that link reminds me - if, like me, you like old needlework books, you might like to look at this on the Book Depository site. Notice the green bar which says ‘Download free e-book’? It’s worth doing – I haven’t looked through it all  yet, but there are some beautiful illustrations towards the end of the book.


Here’s a less than beautiful illustration. My attempt to draw the image on the right, followed by me cutting the drawing up and adding some stitch. I think the best part of this is the layered page edges on the left hand side – partly a result of the Japanese binding, partly because they have been cut or torn [deliberately] by me.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Thank you for the link Celia, I've downloaded the book :o)