'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Thursday 5 November 2009

Out, in and out again.


Out this morning to a class with Beverley Wood at the Discovery Centre, where I made this. The felt and sheers were provided, but we got to colour our own background fabric [the yellow green] and leaves – Stitch and Tear coloured with water-soluble crayons, then moistened with baby wipes.This has to be the least messy way of colouring non-wovens I have ever come across – and the baby wipes  can be dried and used for something else. That tip alone was worth the price of admission. The course was good and I like what I made – although it needs a few beads before I’ll call it finished …

In now for supper, and then out again to a talk by Pauline Burbidge, also at the Discovery Centre. I shall be glad when the current quilt Exhibition there – which I haven’t yet got round to seeing! – is over. But I felt I had to sign up for almost all the associated events in over to encourage the DC to do more textile stuff. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.Top-13.BMP

Definitely non-textile, but  my own photo manipulation [at BeFunky in case you haven’t guessed]. Sorry, ‘Angel of the North’ fans, this is the best Gormley sculpture in the world – in the crypt of Winchester Cathedral, in case you didn't know.

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